Executive Course

manager training course




The managerial course aims to provide managers, as identified and defined by article 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2008, with the knowledge on safety and health in the workplace necessary to carry out their role and is mandatory pursuant to art. 37, paragraph 7 of Legislative Decree 81/08 “Consolidated Safety Act”.

The Manager, as defined by the art. 2 paragraph 1 letter d) of Legislative Decree 81/08, is the person who, due to professional skills and hierarchical and functional powers appropriate to the nature of the role conferred on him, implements the employer’s directives by organizing the work activity and watching over it.

Although the definition can be considered broad, it allows concrete identification of the responsible subjects for prevention purposes; the Managers therefore, are subjects who exercise an effective organisational power of the work activity, decision-making regarding work procedures and production factors, within the scope of tasks actually assigned to them by the company organisation.

The Manager has the task of organizing the work activity and supervising the safe carrying out of the tasks entrusted to the workers. The manager is the guarantor of safety at work by law and within the sphere of management responsibility, regardless of the delegation and spending power that the employer may attribute to him.

The State-Regions agreement of 21 December 2011, implementing article 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008, provides for a specific training course for managers in relation to their duties in the field of health and safety at work and defines its contents and duration. The management course has a duration of 16 hours and expires every five years, and completely replaces the training provided for workers. To update training it is necessary to attend the Managers’ Update which lasts 6 hours.

Theoretical tests will be carried out to evaluate the knowledge acquired during the management course. A certificate of participation/training will be issued to those who successfully pass them.

Choose one of the modes below:

Check the next available dates, then fill out the corresponding registration form.

Starting from 5 members; request a quote for info and costs.

    Module 1
    • Legislative system regarding worker safety;
    • The safety bodies and inspection procedures;
    • Subjects of the company prevention system according to Legislative Decree 81/08: tasks, obligations, civil and criminal liability and insurance protection;
    • Delegation of functions;
    • The “administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations, even without legal responsibility” pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent amendments;
    • Business qualification systems and points-based licensing in construction.

    Module 2
    • Workplace safety organization and management models (art. 30 Legislative Decree 81/08);
    • Management of technical-administrative documentation;
    • Obligations connected to the work and supply contract;
    • Organization of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management;
    • Method of exercising the supervisory function of work activities and with regard to the fulfillment of the obligations established by paragraph 3 bis of the art. 18 of Legislative Decree 81/08;
    • Role of the manager and those responsible for the prevention and protection service.
    Module 3
    • Criteria and tools for identifying and assessing risks;
    • The risk of work-related stress;
    • The risk can be linked to differences in gender, age, origin from other countries and the type of contract;
    • Interferential risk and risk management in carrying out contracted works;
    • The technical, organizational and procedural prevention and protection measures based on risk factors;
    • Consideration of near-miss accidents and the results of worker and supervisor participation activities;
    • Personal protective equipment;
    • Health surveillance.

    Module 4
    • Relational skills and role awareness;
    • Strategic importance of information, education and training as tools for understanding the company reality;
    • Communication techniques;
    • Teamwork and conflict management;
    • Consultation and participation of workers’ representatives for safety;
    • Nature, functions and methods of appointment or election of workers’ safety representatives.

    Legislative references: art. 37 paragraph 7 Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments. and Agreement of the State-Regions Conference for Training of 21 December 2011

    Recipients: managers

    Duration: 16 hours

    Type of training: classroom course – the online management course is also available

    Locations: at our headquarters in Lecce or at home

    Training certificate: certificate valid throughout Italy, for the purposes of the legislation in question

    Requirements: understanding of the Italian language

    Material released: training handout

    Update: every 5 years, 6-hour executive update