Personal Course in the use of Ozone Creation



Course dedicated to all company workers exposed to the risk of using ozone.

Riferimenti normativi:

  • Art. 37 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08;

It has a total duration of 2 hours with a final multiple choice test with only one correct answer, in e-learning mode.

Ha una durata complessiva di 2 ore con test finale a risposta multipla con una sola risposta corretta, in modalità e-learning.

The course presents 1 work module with multimedia content

The course will be available for 3 months from the activation date.

Choose one of the modes below:

Check the next available dates, then fill out the corresponding registration form.

Starting from 5 members; request a quote for info and costs.

    What is Ozone?

    • Properties of Ozone Sanitization
    • Legislative References
    • Legislative References
    • Risk Assessment
    • Operational Requirements
    • Ozone Measurement Instruments
    • Personal Protective Equipment

    Legislative references: Art. 37 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08;

    Recipients: All company workers exposed to the risk of using ozone;

    Durations: 2 hours

    Type of training: e-learning

    Training certificate: certificate valid throughout Italy, for the purpose of the legislation in question

    Requirements: understanding of the italian language

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